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Er Diagram For Online Test Taking System

Online Examination System ER Diagram | Entity Relationship Diagram

Online Examination System ER Diagram – serves as the database design in developing the data storage of the system. It consist of tables which is called as entities and acts as the containers of every data inputs and processed information inside the system. Then they were connected with arrows or known as cardinality symbols to specify their relations. And to keep as your reference, I have provide here a free to download PDF file of the Online Examination System ER Diagram discussion.

Good day Itsourcecoders! I have made here a simple database design of Online Examination System Project ER Diagram (ERD). This is to give you ideas on how would you build your database through ER Diagram for your Online Examination System Project. The whole creation and discussion of this ER Diagram presents to you the included data, tables and their connections or relations.

What are included in this ERD for Online Examination System Database projects?

  • Determining the Processes included in doing Online Examination system
  • Online Examination System database design
  • Simple ER diagram for Online Examination System
  • ER Diagram for Online Examination Tables and Data Dictionaries

Online Examination System (ERD) Entity Relationship Diagram Description

To describe the ER Diagram for Online Examination System, it must contain the essential parts that the database design must have. It must have tables which were based on set of data needed or used in Online Examination Transaction. These data are known as attributes stored in their corresponding tables. They must be organized in order for the system to become efficient and error-free.

Do not worry because as you go deeper into this article, you will be provided with detailed explanation of all the needed contents of the database design. And the features and functions needed must also be secured. The features included in this Online Examination System's ERD were securing and monitoring of the card holders' transaction records and status. These features were also listed and recorded in reports that served as the history of all the activities done in the system.

Online Examination System ER Diagram Features and Data to Asses

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Here's the data description for Online Examination System Project ER Diagram that explains how will the database handles the data inputs and secure them.

  • Examinee's Management

    This function requires the Examinee's basic information and it needs to be secured. So the ER Diagram design must be able to handle the examinee's management in Online Examination System.

  • Exam Plotting or Making

    Exam Plotting or Making generates lot of data to handle. And to secure the data generated, the database design also shows the part which will handle the Exam that will be made.

  • Manage Exam Reports

    When the examinee has finished taking the exam, the Online Examination management system must be able to Secure those Information that is why the designed ER Diagram have the portion for that.

  • Transaction and Reports Management

    About the Report and transactions made, they are used to track every activities made within the system. And to have a record to look back, the designed ER Diagram for Online Examination system shows on how would it secure those records.

Online Examination System ER Diagram Tables and Data Dictionaries

These tables below provide the complete database tables details such asField Name,Descriptions,data types,character lengths.

Table Name: Examinees

Field Description Type Length
examinee_ID (PK) Examinee's ID Int 11
name Examinee's Name Varchar 255
age Examinee's Age Int 11
contact_number Examinee's Contact Number Int 11
gender Examinee's Gender Varchar 255

Table Name: Exam

Field Description Type Length
exam_ID (PK) Exam ID Int 11
exam_name Exam Name Varchar 255
description Exam Description Text
provider Exam Provider Varchar 255

Table Name: Exam Taken

Field Description Type Length
taken_ID (PK) Exam Taken ID Int 11
exam_ID (FK) Exam ID Int 11
examinee_ID (FK) Examinee ID Int 11
date Date Exam Taken Date

Table Name: Exam Requirements

Field Description Type Length
requirement_ID (PK) Requirement ID Int 11
examinee_ID (FK) Examinee ID Int 11
req_name Requirement Name Varchar 255
quantity Quantity Int 11

Table Name: Exam Results

Field Description Type Length
result_ID (PK) Exam Result ID Int 11
examinee_ ID (FK) Examinee ID Int 11
taken_ID (FK) Exam Taken ID Int 11
score score Int 11
evaluation Evaluation Varchar 255

Table Name: Exam Reports

Field Description Type Length
report_ID Exam Report ID Int 11
report_date Date Of Report Date
examinee_ID (FK) Examinee ID Int 11
requirement_ID (FK) Requirement ID Int 11
exam_ID (FK) Exam ID Int 11
taken_ID (FK) Exam Taken ID Int 11

Entity Relationship Diagram of Online Examination System

The ERD or ER Diagram for Online Examination System shows the relationships in each entity and their supposed functions in each relationship. Now here's the sample ER Diagram of Online Examination System.

Sample ER Diagram for Online Examination System Project

ER Diagram for Online Examination System
ER Diagram for Online Examination System

Based on the image above, theEntity Relationship diagram forOnline Examination System  is the blueprint of the database development and these are presented bytables. The tables are made to meet the required specification of the system and provide much more specific details of each entity within the system.

The purpose of this ER Diagram is to fully understand how the System handles the data as well as the relationships of tables in the project database design. And if you like to have a reference for your project making, you can have the PDF copy of this Online Examination System ER Diagram.


You have to bear in mind that the simple database design for this Online Examination System ERD has a big role in creating the project. It is because the ER Diagram will not only help you in building the project but will also secure that your project will be functional and trustworthy. All in all, the entity relationship diagram (ERD) or ER Diagram for Online Examination System acts as a guide to the system developers on how to build the database.

The idea presented in this ERD can be used for your Online Examination System as Final Year Project. You could also enhance theER diagram for yoursystem in this article to meet your desiredsystem requirements. This Entity Relationship Diagram for the Online Examination System project with data table, will also give you ideas onhow to make a database designwith the formulated ERD,tables, andschema .

The given free to download PDF file of ER diagram design for Online Examination system could be your reference or used for your project building.

And that completes our discussion about ER Diagram project fellas, and I hope that this article about ER Diagram of Online Examination System Database Design 2021 will help you a lot.

Now let me ask you something. What have you learned through the discussion? May this article help you with your projects in the future!

If you have inquiries or suggestions about Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for Online Examination System just leave us your comments below.

Keep us updated and Good day!

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Source: https://itsourcecode.com/uml/online-examination-system-er-diagram/

Posted by: sondrakulishe0189411.blogspot.com